Browsing Tag
‘commercial lease agreement’

Why You Need Title Insurance for Your Commercial Investment
When people think of title insurance, the first thing that often comes to mind is title insurance for the home, but title insurance for commercial properties is just as – ...
The Pros and Cons of Purchasing Real Estate with an Existing Lease Agreement
Investing in commercial real estate in Miami can be a lucrative venture as it offers the potential for both rental income and property appreciation. However, when considering the purchase of ...
Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Reviewing a Commercial Lease Agreement
Entering into a commercial lease agreement is a significant financial and legal commitment. It carries risk for both tenants and landlords, and the agreement itself can be complex with terms ...
What to Look for in a Commercial Lease Agreement as a Landlord
Landlords of commercial properties generally have a lot of flexibility in how they choose to structure their commercial lease agreements in Florida. As long as they adhere to Florida law, ...